RichCraft Economy MC 1.14.2

RichCraft Economy MC 1.14.2


Minecraft has entered the Modernist era, where entrepreneurship and corporate entities now host a land of opportunity for anyone in it's grasp. Anyone has the opportunity to make it to the top. Whether you're mining, building, or even planning a new product.
You have the chance to rise to the top in a business-focused world where innovation meets success!
Or... completely abandon the idea of building a business, go into the wilderness, and battle to the death for the resources you know you need to survive. Only the fittest will survive the catacombs of the wilderness!
The server is hosted by a small group of well-seasoned minecraft fanatics who purely love the idea of an economy server.

Freshly updated to 1.14.2 and ready for players to join in on the fun, with a community discord to join and plan to your heart's desire!

Join us at:

No griefing within protected areas, cities, and estates.
No teleporting in combat or you will be jailed.
No advertising of your own personal website/server.
Keep politics out of discussion.
Be nice to others, we're all stuck on this earth together.
No hacking, cheating, abusing bugs, using X-ray packs, etc.
Do not beg for staff, OP, money, items etc. Work for it.
Do not log in or out constantly. Same with using our AFK feature.

Server startMonday, June-17-2019
Discord server

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Submitted by RichCraftMC on Jun-17-2019
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