Best fortnite settings options guide

Best fortnite settings options guide

Fortnite has been taking the world by storm (ha!) ever since Epic Games released the Battle Royale gamemode of the game for free. Millions of players are jumping out of that bus every day in order to get those precious wins and bragging rights. If you’re one of those players then you’ve come to the right place! Here we’ll be detailing how you can fine tune your Fortnite settings in order to get the best FPS out of your machine and yourself. Follow this guide, which was created by analyzing what the fortnite pro players use, and you’ll be racking up those Victory Royales easy!


Best Mouse Settings for Fortnite

After you’ve picked out a mouse to your liking you need to make sure that you didn’t buy it for naught. A lot of gaming mice like to advertise that they can reach DPI settings higher than you can count, but that’s really not that useful.

It’s way more important that you’re able to aim properly and having a high DPI setting isn’t gonna help with that. Fortnite offers three different sensitivity settings, which means that there’s plenty of ways to approach this whole sensitivity thing. That’s great in theory, but it also means even more settings that you have to get comfortable with. That’s where YourHamingDude come in!

Sensitivity is obviously very much a personal thing, but we’ve analyzed all of our Fortnite settings of the pro playres like Ninja, Shroud, and others in order to get a baseline for you to use when choosing your very own settings. You won’t get anywhere by just straight up copying settings, but with this guide we hope to offer you a very solid base to build on for yourself.

Fornite Sensitivity & eDPI in Fortnite game

Fortnite used to have your "Y" sensitivity (i.e. vertical sensitivity) be 70% of your X sensitivity (i.e. horizontal sensitivity) but an update in the summer of 2018 added the ability to choose your X and Y sensitivity yourself. A lot of pros like TfueCloak and even Ninja tend to favor the consistent feeling of having their X and Y sensitivity set to the exact same value, but if you were fine with the old (pre-summer 2018) sensitivity settings you can always ‘go back’ to those by just having your Y sens be 70% of your X sens.

In games where you have to aim at moving targets accurately you don’t want your overall sensitivity (eDPI) to be too high. If your sensitivity is too high it means you won’t be able to do the necessary micro adjustments in order to successfully hit targets at a distance, for example. The reverse is also true though, have it too low and you’ll be one pumped long before you’ve made the required five swipes over your mouse pad in order to turn around.

Since you’re going to be doing a variety of things at your ‘regular sensitivity’ (building, looking around, aiming) it makes sense to have this set to a sort of middle ground where you’re comfortably able to quickly look wherever you need to look. Being able to respond to threats quickly is one of the greatest strengths of a good Fortnite player, but make sure that you’re also able to respond properly. If you get attacked and you respond by making a really quick 720 degree turn after which you miss all of your shots you’ve got your sensitivity way too high.

In short: make sure that you can look around quickly and smoothly, but do take care that you can also aim precisely if you have to.


ADS sensitivity & eDPI in Fortnite

Your ADS (Aim Down Sights) sensitivity is going to be your primary sensitivity for medium to long range duels, so it makes sense to have this one set to something which allows you to aim properly without any jitters. If your regular sensitivity already allows you to do this then great; keep your ADS sensitivity at roughly the same as your normal sens. If you have your regular sens set to be a bit higher than what you’re normally comfortable with for aiming then you should consider lowering your ADS sensitivity.

There is something to be said for having both settings be the same (so that it’s easier to develop the muscle memory for quick flicks etc.) and the pros seem to agree with that, with 1 being the most popular option. If you do want your ADS sens to be lower than your regular sensitivity you could also consider using 0.5 according to the professionals.

Whatever you choose; we don’t recommend having your sensitivity settings be too far apart. If you’re going from a super high to a super low sensitivity (or the other way around) it’s going to be more difficult to transition between ADS and hip fire.

Fortnite ADS eDPI = (Sensitivity * DPI) * ADS Sensitivity

Fortnite Scope Sensitivity & eDPI

Scope sens uses practically the same theory as the ADS sensitivity setting. You’ll want to make sure that you’re able to accurately hit that one pixel of your enemy that’s showing, so make sure to set it so that one little breeze against your mouse doesn’t make your scope flick towards the other side of the map.

Here it’s important (again) to prioritize consistence over speed or ultra high eDPI. When you’re looking through a scope for an extended period of time you’re more than likely not going to be in a heated close quarters match, so it doesn’t make sense to have this setting be too high. Make sure that you’re able to hit what you want to hit and minimize the odds of you missing an easy shot. You can do that by not going overboard on the sensitivity. If your default sensitivity is on the higher side you can definitely opt to go for a lower scope sensitivity to balance it out.

On average the players seem to like a similar Scope eDPI to the ADS eDPI. This makes sense – you want to keep aiming consistent.

Fortnite Scope eDPI = (Sensitivity * DPI) * Scope Sensitivity

Best Fortnite Video Settings

Fortnite is a very nice looking and colorful game, but if you want to put every setting on epic you’re going to need a legendary machine in order to get enough frames and minimal input lag to stay competitive. Luckily you don’t need to spend too much time messing around in the options menu of your game.

We have analyzed what the pros have been doing, as well as doing some ingame testing for ourselves and we came up with what we think is the optimal balance between having great performance while still having a pretty game to look at.

As with any reasonably fast paced game, it’s incredibly important to get enough FPS in order to smoothly follow all of the onscreen action. We try our best to make sure everyone can take something away from our guides, but if your machine can’t get over 20 FPS during gameplay you might want to think about upgrading, if your budget allows it


Best Resolution & Refresh Rate in Fortnite

Almost all Fortnite pros like MongraalDakotazSymfuhny are on 1920×1080. There’s a few playing at 4k resolution, but that is in no way necessary and you’ll need a pretty beastly rig to run the game well at that resolution. There are some with some strange custom resolutions, but those are more the exception than the norm, as you can see in the statistics to the right.

If your PC can run the game (and reach your monitor’s native FPS usually its 60fps) well enough feel free to turn the resolution up to 4k, but otherwise it’s perfectly fine to leave it at 1080p.

Best Fortnite Keybinds

Building is a very important part of Fortnite, so it’s no real surprise that being able to build quickly and efficiently can give you a massive advantage over your opponents. The default keys for building in Fortnite can be quite awkward to reach, especially when you’re in the heat of battle, so most professionals use custom keybinds for building. We recommend that you do the same, unless you’re super comfortable with the default keys already.

Which keys you use is obviously personal preference, but generally you’ll want to make sure that you’re able to reach the most important ‘building elements’ comfortable each time. Check out Tfue‘s main binds, for example:

Wall    Floor    Stairs    Roof    Trap    Use    Building Edit    
 C        E        Q      Mouse5  Mouse4    F           V       

You’ll notice that all of these keys are really easy to reach, making building on the fly a much easier and more comfortable experience. Feel free to browse through our pro players settings and gear list to see what binds your favorite pros use and use that as a baseline for coming up with your own binds. Remember: the most important thing is that your keybinds are comfortable for you, so feel free to experiment with these settings.


Great Fortnite Builders


Fortnite isn’t the craziest game when it comes to customization options. People generally don’t spend days talking about what resolution is the perfect one or anything like that. That’s partially because the game is optimized pretty nicely and partially because you can’t really customize your radar, HUD, … as you can in certain other games, so there’s just less to discuss.

A few settings are ‘mandatory’ for optimal performance (as highlighted above) so if you just follow these guidelines, make sure you’re getting enough FPS, and that your sens isn’t something outlandish you’ll be jumping out of that Battle Bus prepared like a pro. Remember that some settings (such as sensitivity) are highly personal, so what works for a certain pro might not work for you. It’s important to develop your own habits and settings in order to make sure you’re as comfortable as possible when playing.

Hopefully this guide has helped you a bit. Good luck!


Posted By: Your Gaming Dude

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