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Battle for Azeroth (110-120) Leveling guide and Consumables

Battle for Azeroth (110-120) Leveling guide and Consumables

Battle for Azeroth (110-120) Leveling Tips and Consumables

Last updated 2019/05/21 at 6:14 PM
This guide's purpose is to help you level from 110 to 120 as quickly as possible, for people who want to level quickly on their first character. Many of the items listed on this guide may seem a bit extreme, and may not be recommended for alts because of their sheer value. This guide also considers you have no previous leveling experience on the Battle for Azeroth beta.

First and foremost, the experience required to level from 20 to 120 has been reduced considerably in 8.1. While the Battle for Azeroth range is being reduced by only a very small amount, the experience required for previous expansions is going down by 10-40% for each level, which will dramatically increase the speed of leveling through older content.

This is a condensed version of the full table.

Class Leveling Guides

Interested in the best specs, talents, and legendaries for leveling? Check out our class leveling guides:
Death Knight Demon Hunter Druid Hunter
Mage Monk Paladin Priest
Rogue Shaman Warlock Warrior
This list is based by personal preference and experience from leveling on Beta. Those are highly subjective and if a zone appeals better to you, by all means, follow whatever order suits you best!
Drustvar and Vol'dun are considered the harder zones, due to quests there overall requiring more grinding and being easier to do while you're still wearing Legion gear. Once your stats start dropping considerably, the harder zones will be out of the way. Nazmir and Stormsong Valley are much less grindy and should be done as the final step for your leveling. These suggestions can also be used for what order you could build your War Campaign footholds.

BFA Leveling Tips

General leveling tips to aid you on leveling faster, or make your 120 life that much easier.

Useful Items and Consumables

Things that you can carry with you while leveling in Battle for Azeroth. Some of those can be extreme to farm efficiently, but the benefit is certainly there.


With Patch 8.1.5, most heirloom items can now be upgraded to scale to level 120.

Experience Increases

Speed Increases

Those are all items that can help you with moving from different places.

General Consumables

All-around useful consumables.

Food Buffs

You can only eat one of those at a time, so choose wisely!

Miscellaneous Items

Miscellaneous items that do help on the leveling process.

Useful Legendaries

Each spec has a list of legendaries that help the most during leveling. Those two can be obtained by any class or specialization and can be heavily used during the portion of the BFA leveling where legendaries can be used. Their effects stop working at level 116, but can be maintained as stat sticks until you obtain higher item level items. For more legendary tips, targetted per specialization, check our Class Leveling Guides!

Useful Addons

Those addons are all about helping reduce leveling time by getting rid of mundane tasks. These are not recommended if you want to enjoy the lore.


Posted By: Your Gaming Dude

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